It’s a fact that we hate to admit. Some of us just don’t have a green thumb.
How can keeping a plant alive can’t be that hard? How is that other people have lush indoor houseplants while yours are barely hanging on? I know your pain. I’ve killed many houseplants and garden botanicals since my college days. I almost feel guilty about it.
I’m turning over a new leaf. I’ve stop beating myself up about my inability to keep houseplants alive and so should you. I’ve gone straight to the most knowledgeable person I know about plants. My mom. Ask anyone who knows her; she is a walking, talking plant guru with two green thumbs, and I’m grateful for her advice.
10 Hard to Kill Houseplants You Can Leave While On Vacation.
These plant types don’t need to be cared for up to seven days so book your vacation without hiring someone to come over and water them. Caring for these plants is easy and simple!
- Dumb Canes (Dieffenbachia) – a plant that doesn’t take a lot of watering. This botanical is no dummy and can take care of itself for week without worry. It doesn’t like direct sun near a window but medium light instead.
Dumb Canes - Mother-in-Laws Tongue (Sansevieri; also knows as a Snake Skin Plant) – this plant likes to be crowded and grows upright in a container where it is most happy. It can grow as large as 4 feet high in some varieties. It doesn’t require a lot sun so you can place it in the corner of your room. Water the soil not the leaves.
Mother-in-Laws Tongue - Rubber Plant (Hevea brasiliensis) – requiring minimal water, this plant comes in a variety of colors but it has a consistent oval leaf shape. Rubber Tree plants used to only come in a dark color, but not anymore. Match it to your room colors! Newer varieties have pinkish hues with some cream color on them.
- Jade (Crassula ovata) – a low maintenance South African plant that requires little watering. They don’t like their feet wet. Don’t overwater otherwise the roots will rot. Sold nearly at every plant store, but not most grocery stores. You can grow them in a covered, shaded portion of your deck during the summertime.
- Philodendron (Pothos) – this ornamental plant is happy in any room as long as it gets a little light. Many owners put them on top of their kitchen cabinets and let them grow long. If you position it near a window, the sun’s rays should not directly hit it. Its soil likes to dry out between waterings. It is easy to start a duplicate philodendron by making a cutting and planting it in a new pot. Another option is to root it in a vase of water to transplant later to a dirt pot.
Philodendron - Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans) – this plant can get a little lanky and its stalk looks woody or trunk-like. Plant it in a large, heavy pot. My corn plant tends to grow at an angle because it’s seeking nearby window light. Want to keep it short? You can cut it low as long as there is a new leaf growing near its base.
- Calathea (aka Peacock Plant) – considered a “pretty” plant that came be left alone while on vacation. Water from the dirt level because watering top-down will rot the plant. They like humid conditions so a partially lit bathroom would be a smart spot for this beauty.
Calathea - Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum) – an inexpensive plant that loves to be left alone away from a front window. It flourishes in medium light conditions and likes to dry out between waterings so it’s the perfect candidate for a low maintenance houseplant.
Arrowhead Plant - Spider Plant (aka Airplane Plant) – a plant that can grow inside or outside, it gives off “babies” when it is in healthy condition. They do best in a hanging pot or stand. Trim off one of the newer “babies” you can regenerate it in a large glass of water. The lighter the stripe on the leaf, the more light it requires. Keep the soil slightly moist. Bonus: This plant detoxes your home.
Spider Plant - Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis hyrids) – We saved you the best plant for last! This colorful plant is long-lasting and easy to care for if you follow a few tips. Despite what some say, you should not put ice on their bark to water them. This is a mistake because orchids are tropical plants. They will rot if over water them. Just give them a drink every 10 days. The easiest one to grow is called the Moth Orchid. Place them in medium light. Its pot requires drainage holes.
If you’re a plant lover, you may want to learn How to Grow an Indoor Garden or get inspired to build a garden house.