True foodies. Nomadic travelers. I’m talking to you. Boy, do I have the ultimate Netflix list of must-watch shows hand-picked for your viewing pleasure!
Now, you could simply login to your account and scroll around until you discover a show that appeals to you, but I’m going to save you a ton of time. People who dream of food, who want to travel to another country vicariously through a reality culinary show, and who appreciate learning are going to love this post: Netflix Shows For People Who Like To Drool Over Food and Daydream About Traveling.
:: Bonus Discloser:: I’m pairing each of my show selections with one of my delicious cocktail recipes! Cheers!
In no particular order…(insert drumroll)
Somebody Feed Phil (2018) You can escape to New Orleans restaurant kitchens or ride in a riverboat in Bangkok’s market district when watching this series with Phil Rosenthal, the creator of “Everyone Loves Raymond.” Rosenthal travels the globe to sample all kinds of authentic dishes from extra spicy crawfish to savory bowls of hot pho. As he says, “food is the great connector” and he certainly makes friends wherever he goes thanks to his quick wit and charming smile. His lovable personality is infectious and his culinary travels open your eyes to areas of the world you may never visit in-person. Warning: You’re going to want to check the expiration date on your passport after binge watching his series. You may get the travel bug and want to span the globe, too. (Rosenthal also has a Netflix series entitled “I’ll Have What Phil’s Having” (2015). )
Cocktail Suggestion: Cantaloupe Margaritas
Ainsley Eats the Streets (2014) Set our on a journey with celebrity chef Ainsley Harriott as he tastes local street food in locales like the back alleys of Taipai and the tapas bars in Madrid. His curiosity for fresh ingredients typically leads him to street markets where he samples local food. Sometimes he doesn’t always know what he’s eating — but that’s the fun part of watching his explorations! Additionally, you will learn the history of each location’s food culture because Ainsley likes to pair up with a food guide or a food blogger from the area. Because Ainsley is a chef, viewers also learn how to prepare fresh side dishes while cooks alongside market cooks. You’ll walk away with a new, ethnic recipe with each episode!
The aspect of Ainsley’s travel show that I enjoy the most is honest reaction to trying new foods. If he loves it, he passionately explains why he is falling for it. Better yet, if he dislikes it, his opinion is transparent and refreshingly authentic.
Cocktail Suggestion: Grilled Pineapple and Peach Tequila Cocktail
Poh and Co (2016) An Australian chef of Malaysian decent, Poh Ling Yeow is one of the most creative people, and happy people, you’ll witness on Netflix. When she’s not baking in the middle of the night, she’s gardening or creating small works of art from her basement studio. Somehow she makes time to run a highly successful space at an area food market. Her zest for life is so much fun to watch because if she flubs, she laughs at herself. When a recipe goes well, she laughs at herself. She’s a real person and is perfectly imperfect in every way. For example, she doesn’t know a thing about gardening yet she’s determined to not only grow fresh vegetables, but also tend bees for their honey.
By the end of the first episode, you’ll wish Poh was your best friend (or if you’re a guy, your girlfriend). She is a delight. Watching her giggle her way through a recipe is too much fun and she makes preparing delicious pastries look easy.
Cocktail Suggestion: Blueberry Vanilla Mint Mojito
While it’s overwhelming selecting what to watch on Netflix, I highly recommend this short list. I enjoy this selection because each reality chef teaches me something about cooking and/or living elsewhere. Naturally a curious person, I’m willing to set aside hours of my life to watch television if I can enhance the experience by gaining knowledge. If you enjoy researching future travel destinations, witnessing other cultures go about their day or want to learn about new foods, please take an hour to watch at least one of these shows.
Do you have a favorite travel documentary or cooking show you prefer to watch? Tell me about it in the comments below. I’d love to add it to my weeknight line-up. Until then, you’ll find me watching Planet Earth — it’s so amazing!