Give a book. Take a book. Little Free Libraries are pop-up stands, located around cities, that contain books for people to donate books to, and if they need a book, take a book to read. It’s brilliant!
Have you seen a Little Free Library in your town? We have several in our city where stands are typically located near parks or civic organizations. I appreciate the thought behind the book kiosks because each one stands as a symbol for building community, a thoughtful ripple of pay-it-forward kindness. The book exchange concept is a fun way to donate books you no longer want and perhaps find a new book to read. Because it is free — everyone wins!
I dropped leftover classroom books off at two Little Free Libraries in my area. Inside each stand, I found deep shelves partially stocked with all genres of books from young adult literature to true crime dramas. Each library had plenty of room for me to add my donated books. All you have to do is open the front door of the library, place your book donations inside, and close the door. This act of kindness couldn’t be more simple!

You can locate a book exchange location using this map! Don’t like the books within a Little Free Library, no problem! Simply located another kiosk in your area using the interactive map.
NOTE: If accompanying a child, you might need to help them open the door to a Little Free Library as they are built for an adult’s height.

Want to learn more about starting a book exchange stand in your neighborhood? Interested in donating books on behalf of your kid’s scout troop or school? Learn more about Little Free Libraries here.
I would love to hear about your experience donating in your community! Please comment below to tell me about it!