So often I read articles about how to pay-it-forward and be kind to others, something you know I appreciate! However, we often neglect to be kind to ourselves. It’s like the airplane oxygen mask rule: put the oxygen mask on yourself first so that you can assist others. If we’re not healthy and not taking care of ourselves, then we can’t present the world the best version of ourself to aide others.
Why don’t we take time for ourselves?
It’s simple. We allow the world’s demands to distract us from turning the focus on ourselves. Of course, there are events in our lives that require us to act and live selflessly. That’s okay as long as we understand that life is a balance. At the end of the day, we are no good to anyone else if we have nothing left to give.
When I take time for myself to relax, to learn or to just be still — I’m a better person to those who I connect with in the world. So, when was the last time you took a hour to give back to yourself?
If you’re like me and often need a reminder to prioritize myself, here are 20 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself.
- Take a long shower or enjoy a hot bath. Relax.
- Prepare your favorite meal even if it’s not what others want to eat for dinner.
- Use your vacation days from work. Americans don’t use provided vacation days, according to Forbes. Learn why.
- Subscribe to a delivery service like Stitch Fix or order your household supplies from Amazon. Give yourself a break from shopping!
- Go for the appetizer. You always turn down the restaurant server’s suggestion for a pre-meal bite. Stop denying yourself the queso!
- Upgrade your shoe game or wardrobe.
- Make an appointment for a massage or make-up application.
- Read a self-help book or an inspirational story.
- Meet a friend for lunch. Conversations with friends are a vital to understanding oneself.
- Buy yourself flowers or a nice bottle of wine.
- Meditate.
- Go to bed an hour early every night for a week.
- Eat a nourishing breakfast.
- Yoga. Downward dog anyone?
- Allow yourself free time for a hobby you’ve put on the back burner.
- Try an at-home facial.
- Gently rub your temples.
- Eliminate the feeling of being rushed in the morning before work. Pack your lunch the night before.
- Dedicate one evening every week to watching your favorite show or movie.
- Get a babysitter and take yourself on a date.
How have you taken time for yourself recently? Tell me in the comments section below!