Not all days are delightful because of life’s demands, and sometimes, events take place that test our emotions. But on average, it’s fair to say that most days are what we make them. My mission is to encourage you to make yours as delightful as possible.
For the last several years, I have been striving to get the most out of my time on earth and live in the moment. I hope that my zest for life is contagious through this blog. You deserve to live your best life through delightful experiences with people, traveling to new places, or simply adding thoughtfully and purposely valuable actions to your day.
How many of these experiences could positively affect you? Declare your life more delightful today. Think of the below checklist as a bucket list of sorts.
Remember the last time someone asked you to join them on an adventure, and you declined the invitation even though you could have joined them? Why did you choose that path? Instead of limiting your experiences because of your inhabitations or worries, take advantage of the opportunity to let someone else plan your experience. When your friends or loved ones invite you to travel, attend a local event, or to a dinner party…SAY YES.
Casting away your cares means not overthinking the invitation but acknowledging that you’re trusting someone else to help make your life more delightful.
Conversely, sometimes you must invite yourself to try a new experience when no one else suggests one. Sometimes, it seems like everyone is busy with life’s demands, and they’re unavailable to you. That’s okay! Plan your own fun.
When did you last give in to your desire to spoil yourself? It’s not selfish. It’s self-preservation. If you want to see a blockbuster movie but no one is available to go with you, go alone. Feel like trying the new ramen restaurant in your city, but others don’t share your adventurous palette? Who cares! Get in your car and head to the restaurant. Push on.
Life’s routines of caring for a household and going to work can sometimes bring monotony, a feeling my spirit tries to fight at every chance. That may be why I’ve lived in more than one state and worked in many professions. Can you relate to wanting to change your location? What’s stopping you?
Your well-being is often dependent on thrusting your endorphins into overdrive. If you’ve got a severe case of wanderlust and need to travel to a new locale, seize the opportunity. Feeling less than yourself at work? If those feelings result from not fulfilling your career goals, then changing where you work is just as important as the work you do. Change your location, and you open up a world of possibilities.
There is real value in allowing yourself to find the answers to many of life’s questions. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to introduce yourself to someone who is different than yourself? Have you always wanted to learn a new hobby or develop your career skill set? Sign up to take a class!
Honoring your curiosity keeps your brain active and helps you from just experiencing life as it comes along. What could you discover about yourself today?
You know I’m a big fan of self-care, which often includes surrounding yourself with things you love and people you love to be around. You fuel your spirit when you cater to your desire to enjoy things (or people) that make you happy. Think of three of our favorites right now. Make strides to include them in your day.
You must be aware of your senses to take advantage of life. For example, I wandered alone in their outdoor gardens when I traveled to an award-winning art gallery last year. I smelled the fresh herbs, reached out for a fluttering butterfly, brushed up against towering botanicals, listened to the drip of a waterfall, and captured it all on my camera to enjoy again later.
Remember to be present in the moment and immerse yourself in the experience.
Sometimes it’s hard to turn off our busy thoughts. Like most people, I sometimes have to remind myself to live in the moment and not plan for the next one or think of something I want to say. It takes practice and awareness, but you can also train yourself to focus on time.
While this post is more of a reminder than a to-do list, I know it will help you make the most of your experience and live more delightfully. Let me know how you plan to seize the day by commenting below!
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